· a cause or occasion of keen distress or sorrow
lit·er·a·cy /ˈlidərəsē,ˈlitrəsē/
· competence or knowledge in a specified area
Available in stores and online now!
Human(e). A Radical reimagining of grief, loss, and learning to live without
by Rachelle Bensoussan
In this intimate and reflective auto-ethnographic book, Bensoussan asserts that grief is a biological imperative; a life-sustaining necessity that is vital to our survival. Human(e) explores how our species has been living with, and metabolizing loss, well before there were licensed professionals and accredited institutions. Bensoussan examines the inadequacy of the idea that grief is normal, as grief goes well beyond the Western-colonial binary of normal and abnormal. Grief is human, and to grieve is to be human. Rachelle seamlessly and beautifully weaves together her vast professional expertise on grief with her own personal lived experiences of loss. Human(e) is a must read for anyone learning to live without.
Grief Literacy Training
Grief literacy trainings provide a comprehensive understanding of grief and loss including practical skills for supporting grieving individuals, an introduction to grief-related language and vocabulary, and an improved ability to engage with the complex landscape of grief and loss. Offerings include grief literacy trainings, staff-wide education, organizational and professional consultation, as well as keynote speaking engagements.
Individual Grief and Loss Support
A non-pathologizing, human(e) approach to grief and loss support inclusive of both death and non death related loss.
“I wanted to reach out and say I attended your webinars and I really appreciated the information you provided and the views on grief and loss, it was so refreshing and helpful and resonated with me in a very different way than anything else I had come across. I also attended a virtual session with Rachelle and this was the most helpful for me after speaking with multiple therapists to try to process my grief.